Welcome to Dover, Deal & District Citizens Advice
We are a local charity based in the county of Kent, part of the Citizens Advice Network.
We specialise in helping people resolve their money, legal, family, consumer, and other problems.
Our advice is provided free, it is independent, confidential, impartial, and available to everyone.
Quick Links
Employment Recovery Blog 💻
Check out our Employment Recovery Blog, with posts containing helpful advice around employment issues.
Hate Crime Reporting 📱
We are an organization that does not tolerate hate crime. If you have been targeted because of any characteristic of your identity, please contact us. You can also submit your report through the following website.
Events 📃
Occasionally, we organize events with the purpose of raising funds to maintain and continue our service which is crucial to keep our service running smoothly and to continue providing valuable assistance to you.
Foodbank Vouchers Issued 2022/23
Issues Dealt With 2022/23
10.5x that in financial gains for our clients
Number of Volunteers 2024
Our Trustee Board
Generously supported by:
Donations from local Parish Councils